Kamis, 02 April 2009

no name

Skimming is a process of speed reading that involves visually searching the sentences of a page for clues to meaning. For some people, this comes naturally, and usually can not be acquired by practice. Skimming is usually seen more in adults than in children. It is conducted at a higher rate (700 words per minute and above) than normal reading for comprehension (around 200-230 wpm), and results in lower comprehension rates, especially with information-rich reading material.

Skimming on its own should not be used when complete comprehension of the text is the objective. Skimming is mainly used when researching and getting an overall idea of the text.

Speed reading courses which teach techniques that largely constitute skimming of written text also result in a lower comprehension rate (below 50% comprehension on standardized comprehension tests) (Carver 1992).

Easier - There are different styles of reading for different situations. The technique you choose will depend on the purpose for reading. For example, you might be reading for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task. If you are exploring or reviewing, you might skim a document. If you're searching for information, you might scan for a particular word. To get detailed information, you might use a technique such as SQ4R. You need to adjust your reading speed and technique depending on your purpose.
Many people consider skimming and scanning search techniques rather than reading strategies. However when reading large volumes of information, they may be more practical than reading. For example, you might be searching for specific information, looking for clues, or reviewing information.
Harder - Web pages, novels, textbooks, manuals, magazines, newspapers, and mail are just a few of the things that people read every day. Effective and efficient readers learn to use many styles of reading for different purposes. Skimming, scanning, and critical reading are different styles of reading and information processing.
Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you read the newspaper, you're probably not reading it word-by-word, instead you're scanning the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time. Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest in your research.
There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen. You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This technique is useful when you're seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension. Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places. It might be used to review graphs, tables, and charts.
Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. You search for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know what you're looking for, so you're concentrating on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions. Once you've scanned the document, you might go back and skim it.
When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.
Reading off a computer screen has become a growing concern. Research shows that people have more difficulty reading off a computer screen than off paper. Although they can read and comprehend at the same rate as paper, skimming on the computer is much slower than on paper.


here's one definition: the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions.

Therefore an inference is about making a reasoned conclusion from existing statements (premises) or facts.
All swans are white.
That bird is a swan.
We could therefore infer that the bird in front of us is white. That would be an inference from the two preceding statements.

Muntah proyektil adalah muntah yang "tanpa aba-ba" gitu. Jadi muntah
Kalau kita mual trus muntah, kan sebelumnya ada rasa2 gak enak, lalu ada
"hoek-hoek", trus akhirnya muntah.
Nah, muntah proyektil ini gak begitu. Jadi gak pake tanda/aba-aba
muntah, langsung aja menyembur.

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis adalah penyumbatan pada saluran perut disebabkan terlalu berkembangnya (hipertropi) otot pada persendian di antara perut dan usus. Itu terjadi di awal masa bayi dan menyebabkan muntah setelah makan, yang bisa menyebabkan dehidrasi berat dan pertumbuhan yang kurang.

Seorang bayi dengan pyloric stenosis lapar dan makan dengan baik tetapi muntah dengan kuat (muntah proyektil) segera setelah makan. Sampai dehidrasi berat, atau bayi menjadi secara signifikan kekurangan gizi, mereka sebaliknya tampak sehat, tidak seperti mereka dengan muntah yang disebabkan oleh gangguan lain. Setelah beberapa hari, bayi tersebut menjadi dehidrasi dan kehilangan berat badan. Beberapa bayi mengalami perubahan warna kekuningan pada kulit dan putih pada mata (penyakit kuning).

peradangan selaput rongga perut (peritonitis), massa yang keras dari isi usus (mekonium)

Penyumbatan dapat terjadi di mana saja di sepanjang usus. Bagian usus di sebelah atas penyumbatan tetap berfungsi. Pengisian dengan makanan, cairan, sekresi enzim pencernaan dan gas, akan menyebabkan pembengkakan. 

Pada bayi dan bayi baru lahir, penyumbatan usus biasanya disebabkab oleh cacat lahir, massa yang keras dari isi usus (mekonium) atau ususnya melintir (volvulus)

feses berwarna hijau tua dan agak lengket tersebut muncul saat bayi baru lahir, Feses seperti itu disebut mekonium. Mekonium telah dibentuk saat bayi masih berada dalam kandungan. Berbeda dengan urin yang dilepaskan ke dalam cairan amnion, feses umumnya tidak dilepaskan saat bayi masih dalam kandungan. Tetapi dalam keadaan tertentu, misalnya kekurangan oksigen, mekonium bisa keluar dan akibatnya cairan amnion yang tercemar oleh mekonium. Inilah yang sering disebut air ketuban berwarna hijau.

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